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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 12/08/2010
                      AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
DECEMBER 8, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Vice Chairman Bernard Zahren in the Small Conference Room, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Vice Chairman Bernard Zahren, Brett Eisenlohr, Linda Meyers, Martin Kaplan and Jeffrey Bernetich. Member absent: Brian Glenn.  Advisory members present: none. Also in attendance were staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne and Assistant to the Town Manager Steve Bartha.

Mr. Bartha requested the vendor’s name be changed to Peregrine under Section IV, paragraph 2. Mr. Zahren requested changing Avon’s energy “plan” to a hypothetical example in Section IV, paragraph 4.

VOTE: Mr. Eisenlohr motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to accept the October 6, 2010 minutes as presented with the changes. None opposed.

Mr. Kaplan questioned how a chairman was to be selected for the Commission. Mr. Zahren wondered if the members would have any input in the decision. Ms. Dearstyne said it would be up to the Town Council to decide.


IV. OLD BUSINESS: a. Discuss 20% by 2010 sign-ups, b. Regional Grant Update
Mr. Bernetich introduced himself to the Commission as a new member. He grew up in Avon and works for an insurance company. He joined because he felt it was time to give something back to the community. All the members welcomed him.

Ms. Dearstyne brought along copies of the Commission’s charge and Mission Statement to discuss. Mr. Zahren began that the Commission’s focus has been to purchase 20% of its energy from green sources by 2010 and asked if that had been accomplished or did it need to be updated. Mr. Bartha said that yes the Town has met that goal. (Mr. Eisenlohr corrected that it was actually 13%, as 7% is built into the bill.) Mr. Zahren said that now that the goal has been met the Commission needed to perhaps update the charge going forward. Mr. Eisenlohr reminded the members that this had been a State initiative and that perhaps the Commission should look to the State for guidance. Mr. Kaplan added that correspondence with Mr. Roger Smith said that the contest would continue until 2013 as is. Mr. Bartha visited the state website and found that the there had not been any official statement given as of yet. Mr. Zahren reiterated that the Town had met the commitment and will continue to look to what the State is doing and to move forward. He said he’d contact Lynn at the DEP for direction given that the State is transitioning to a new governor. He has been told that the new governor would be more apt to pass a new energy bill that is up for vote in January though he is not sure of the content and how it will impact some of these issues.

Mr. Kaplan questioned whether the Mission Statement needed to be updated to include the new energy plan. Mr. Bartha and Mr. Zahren agreed that the Mission Statement and Charge were inclusive enough to cover the energy plan.  Mr. Bartha reminded the Commission that the contract with Sterling Planet to provide energy ends December 31st of this year and, depending on the State’s direction, the town may have to go out and issue another RFP for energy. Mr. Kaplan shared that CL&P has recently reduced its generation rate to 9.5¢ which could affect the 20% by 2010. Mr. Zahren asked the members for a vote on this resolution to set the stage for the Commission’s focus for 2011.

VOTE: Mr. Kaplan motioned, Mr. Eisenlohr seconded and it was unanimously
RESOLVED: That having met the 2010 objective of 20% from renewable energy, the Avon Clean Energy Commission hereby resolves to move forward into 2011 by implementing other goals and objectives in its Mission Statement, primarily through the creation of a comprehensive energy plan and the implementation of said plan.

Mr. Kaplan explained the 20% by 2010 contest to new member Mr. Bernetich. Sterling Planet and Community Energy supply electricity generated from clean sources. For every residential home that signs up with them, the town will receive 1 point towards a solar array. For every one hundred points, the Town will get 1 kW of panels to be installed wherever the Town chooses. Ms. Meyers added that there’d be an educational component as well. Mr. Zahren reminded that the Middle School had been chosen as the recipient of the panels, having its’ recently replaced roof fitted to receive them. Mr. Eisenlohr reported that the Town has accumulated 196 points through July of this year. He added that the town would also receive 3 points for every project such as Mr. Zahren’s windmill. Ms. Dearstyne said her contact said that there’s be an educational piece and promotion for the town and that it would be better to do more than 2 kW’s (200 points) to make it worthwhile. Mr. Eisenlohr added that an e-mail from his State contact also envisioned 25% by 2012 as a new goal. Mr. Zahren asked how do we get there and that it still isn’t easy to obtain sign-ups.

Mr. Zahren explained REC’s – renewable energy certificates. Purchasing certificates helps us get solar panels for the school. The certificate says that the recipient has paid a premium to say that the renewable energy he purchased is green. More importantly, because you are able to select a supplier on your bill (not necessarily a clean energy supplier), you could purchase these certificates to offset the increase in your bill to say you purchased green energy. This has made it a tougher sell for the consumer. He continued that as a commission, we have proven that we’re not going to go out there and sign up 800 more people, so he suggested that in lieu of running an energy contest with the schools, we sponsor a sign-up contest with the goal to get 10 kWs. Whoever runs the contest can keep the $25.00 they’d get per sign-up. Ms. Dearstyne feared we’d lose credibility as we still have not declared a winner from last year’s school energy contest. Mr. Zahren said based on the information we have that we can declare that Thompson Brook School saved 30% on energy usage from the previous year and is the winner of the energy contest.  Ms. Meyers pointed out that it was not going to be successful unless the parents understood the cost differential. She asked Mr. Zahren if the two companies – Sterling Planet and Community Energy had promotional materials to explain these certificates. She emphasized that the parents would need to see the price difference before they’d sign up. She added that people are wary of switching to another company, fearing missteps or potential loss in service. Mr. Zahren extrapolated that you are still getting your power from CL&P but are being credited for energy (REC) consumed by others who can’t get the credits. You are buying the certificate from Sterling Planet and not the actual electricity. Ms. Meyers said, for an average household, how much more it would cost to purchase these panels for the school. She added that most people do not have the time nor interest to understand the RECs but want to know the bottom line in cost and how will it benefit the Town. Mr. Bernetich concurred. Mr. Zahren said another way to sell this is to teach to conserve energy as a way to offset the increase in the bill. Mr. Zahren asked Mr. Eisenlohr to call Sterling and Community and ask how we’d compete today given that CL&P has lowered its rates. Mr. Eisenlohr added that Simsbury was very successful last year in sign-ups through a school contest. Mr. Zahren said discussion for a sign-up contest can be added as an agenda item for the next meeting.

Mr. Eisenlohr said that there is grant money available through DEP’s Clean Air/ Cool Planet fund in the range of $250 - $2,500 with no deadline. Also, the Clean Energy Fund offers $250 - $2,500 which can be used for brochures to get the message out. Mr. Kaplan cautioned that some grant monies won’t be available after 12/31/10.

Mr. Bartha reminded the Commission of the upcoming town newsletter for ongoing submissions from them. Mr. Zahren suggested announcing the winter contest winner. Ms. Dearstyne cautioned that the Town Council had to be notified first. Mr. Bartha suggested an e-mail to Mr. Robertson from the Commission should suffice. Ms. Meyers agreed to send the e-mail but to ask for their guidance in awarding a prize. Mr. Bartha said he would need an announcement within the next week or so to make the publication’s deadline.

Mr. Bartha discussed the regional manager status. He said Peregrine Energy Group was unanimously selected among the five towns because of more competitive pricing, a clearer understanding of what the towns were looking for, offering thoughtful suggestions to town requests, and experience working in a regional format and with the CT Clean Energy Fund. Counsel in West Hartford prepared a master draft contract that was distributed to each town. Peregrine and each of the five towns will enter into an agreement and negotiate directly for scope and timeline not to exceed prices, etc.

V. NEW BUSINESS: a. Appointment of a commission member as a liaison on energy plan, b. New Commission member appointments
Mr. Bartha discussed the selection of new members to the Commission. The Commission should be getting another new member in January. Peter Gaski will be the new Board of Education Facilities contact as Mr. David Paul has left the position. With new members, a new BOE contact and a contract still being negotiated, Mr. Bartha said we won’t be in a position to rush into a scope before we have more discussions.

Mr. Zahren recapped that every town will get $50,000 from the $250,000 grant and Avon still has the $20,000 left from the $75,000 grant. Mr. Bartha added that the State’s OPM will be pressing towns in early 2011 to spend the funds for fear of ending up in a backlog of unspent stimulus funds at the 6/30/12 deadline. Mr. Kaplan questioned who we’d get to liaison with the regional manager on the energy plan. Mr. Bartha said we didn’t have to make a decision yet until we got the new members and staff on board. He suggested the meeting in January for discussions and then bringing in Peregrine in February. Ms. Dearstyne said we would not know who the new commission member will be until the February meeting because the Town Council meets after we do.

The members discussed the upcoming Library renovation project. Mr. Zahren was pleased that a geothermal system was chosen for HVAC. Mr. Bernetich questioned the cost being high to which Mr. Bartha suggested he attend construction meetings for clarification. Members thanked Ms. Meyers for picking up the anti-idling posters for distribution. Mr. Kaplan will speak to Mr. Trujillo to find out what he’s done with the anti-idling signs he has. Mr. Bartha suggested contacting Mr. Gaski to post them as well.

Mr. Zahren added that we will have an opportunity to lobby for new energy initiatives from the State next year. Ms. Dearstyne said Mr. Robertson would like one contact and one request from the Commission only and he’d work on it. He’s happy to write a letter if asked.

Ms. Meyers brought up the issue of selecting a chairman, and asked Mr. Zahren if he’d be interested, even though it would be the Town Council that would make that decision. He said he was very busy with a new job, but would consider it in a few months if things settled down. Mr. Bartha noted that, per the Charge, the ACEC Chair is to be selected and appointed by Town Council, and said that making a suggestion to Town Council could be useful.  Ms. Dearstyne said the Town Council will likely reach out to any candidate before the selection is made.


VOTE: Mr. Eisenlohr motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. None opposed.

                                                Respectfully submitted:
                                                Vice Chairman Bernard Zahren

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk